Eligibility for HUD Grants Excites Council and Staff

August 7, 2015

The August 6th, 2015 City Council meeting ran smoothly, with relatively little discussion on the several Resolutions.  Council Member Russo was not in attendance, and all Resolutions and the Consent Agenda passed 4:0, except for Resolution 37, 2015 (Police Tactical Training Facility) – which was pulled so that Council Member Tinsley could recuse herself due to her husband’s involvement with the project, thus passing 3:0.

August 6, 2015

Everyone, however, became quite enthusiastic when Resolution 28, 2015 was described.  Palm Beach Gardens population, having passed 50,000, makes the City entitled to apply for HUD Community Development Block Grants (CDBG).  The City must submit a 5-year Consolidated Strategic Plan, along with an annual Action Plan, in order to be granted about $177K/fiscal year.  The funds can be used in conjunction with the City’s existing CAST (Community Action Support Team) program.  The first year’s action plan will focus on single family home rehabilitation for low and middle income home owners – such as senior citizens on fixed incomes, with projects such as new roofs, yard cleanup, repairing substandard homes, accessibility, etc.    The funds should be available in October, after which applications will be taken.  The program is apparently very flexible, and the amount can grow as the population does.

Mayor Jablin began the meeting with a moment of silence for the recent passing of three very active County residents: James Mandell, Judy Kelleher and James Woods.

City Manager Ferris’s report included:

Public Comment included:

Note that there will be two meetings in September as part of the 2015/2016 Budget Hearings.