New City Council to be Sworn In on Thursday, April 6th at 7pm

April 1, 2017

A new City Council takes the reins on Thursday, April 6th at 7pm when term-limited Mayor Tinsley, Vice-Mayor Jablin and Council Member Premuroso step down and are replaced by newly elected Matthew Lane, Rachelle Litt and Mark Marciano. Council Members Maria Marino and Carl Woods were seated in 2016. While there is a light agenda, active residents may want to attend to see the transfer to the new council, swearing in and election by the council of the new Mayor, Vice Mayor and any discussion of future actions. This will happen right after the meeting is called to order and the roll call is taken.

Announcements/Presentations: National Congenital Diagphragmatic Hernia Awareness Month

Consent Agenda includes 3 Purchase Awards:

City Manager Report – no details listed

Public Hearings and Resolutions:

Check the agenda to see if any additional items have been added before the meeting here.