Palm Beach Gardens has a Satellite in Space!

December 12, 2019

Well – not the city – but the Weiss School. Students currently involved in the program gave an update on the current WeissSsat-1 CubeSat and future projects. See the school’s website for details on their projects. 

Don Kiselewski, Sr. Director of External Affairs, Florida Power & Light Company (Palm Beach) – outlined FPL’s 3-year pilot project to harden neighborhoods – one of which is in Palm Beach Gardens.

Palm Beach Gardens Community Services Administrator David Reyes gave an update on the Capital Improvements funded by the ‘Penny’ Sales Tax. See the Palm Beach Post’s summary here.

The Consent Agenda and the Resolution 67, 2019 regarding approving Avenir Pod 1 and Pod 3 site plan amendments, passed 5:0.

December 5

The Council resumed discussion, started last month by Mayor Marciano and Vice-Mayor Litt, about adopting a resolution in support of a resolution by the Town of Palm Beach to Tallahassee in support of Florida Senate Bill 182 asking the legislature to pass something to re-allow municipalities to pass single-use plastics resolutions. Marciano and Litt couched support for such a resolution as a home-rule issue. However, while council members Lane, Marino and Woods supported the home-rule aspect of what Palm Beach was trying to accomplish, they were more skeptical of its value, corroborated by City Attorney Lohman who said there was virtually no support for SB 182. It was clear that an ordinance prohibiting single use plastics in Palm Beach Gardens would be a distinctly different effort requiring input from both business and the public and what fits the needs of our City. City Manager Ferris was tasked with coming up with a draft of the support of Palm Beach resolution.

City Attorney Lohman said that the City had recently severed ties with the restaurant operator of the Golf Club and that there were ongoing discussions to resolve contractual issues. He sought the Council’s authorization for him to file a lawsuit if necessary, with the City Manager’s support – should the negotiations with the operator prove unsolvable without litigation. The Council voted to authorize 5:0.