Special City Council Mtg on Thursday June 25 at 6pm

June 19, 2020

There will be a single subject Special City Council meeting on Thursday for Resolution 43, 2020 – which is specific to Downtown Palm Beach Gardens (aka Downtown at the Gardens).

The Resolution reads: A request from Excel Gardens, LLC, owner of Downtown Palm Beach Gardens, to amend the Master Plan for the Downtown Palm Beach Gardens (DPBG) Planned Community Development (PCD) to realign the entry drive aisle from Alternate A1A; modify building elevations, hardscape and landscape plans; relocate the carousel to the Lakeside; provide a master signage plan; and update building square footages and use allocations. The Downtown Palm Beach Gardens site is 49.04 acres and is located east of Alternate A1A between Gardens Parkway and Kyoto Gardens Drive.

The complete package regarding the Resolution can be found here.

Check the agenda in case there are any changes made prior to the meeting.