Campus Drive and Aquatic Center Improvements will Impact Residents While Underway

July 19, 2021

Since it is of immediate impact to residents – Campus Drive will be closing on July 23 – August 6 – in order to put in a roundabout, with future additions to include a new sidewalk on the eastern side of the street, reliever lane for the right turn onto PGA Blvd and a 12′. See City Manager Report section below. Additionally, the Aquatic Complex Renovation project will begin by demolishing the old main pool (built in 1982) and the complex project is projected to be complete by March 2022.

July 15

The July City Council meeting began with a few presentations. Council Member Marciano was not present.


Council members and staff comments for requests from the legislature:  Council Member Tinsley – Referencing the mobility law suit with the county – asked the Senator to look at strengthening language of statute 163 to allow municipalities for a solution to the issue. Mayor Litt spoke to building requirements as a result of Surfside. City Manager Ferris – appreciates Powells’ advocating for local government – ‘but never fear we’ll be back next year” for the storm water maintenance dollars..

City Manager Report:

Consent Agenda passed 4:0

Resolution 29, 2021 – The proposed max millage rate for fiscal year 2021/22 will remain flat at 5.55 and the first budget hearing will be on Sept 8. Allan Owens, Finance Administrator presented. Passed 4:0

Resolution 34, 2021 – Master Fee Schedule annual update – most fees stayed the same.   Passed 4:0

Items for discussion:

Vice Mayor Reed – Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) update – Prosperity Road from Northlake to Donald ross will be repaved and a bike lane, not separated, will be put in. Council Member Tinsley reporting on last month’s TPA meeting (attending on behalf of Reed) commented on quiet zones and testing measures – construction underway

City Attorney ReportCity Attorney Max Lohman said that the lawsuit between PBC and the city is still underway (re: mobility) and listed key actions happening in mid-August. Mayor Litt said that Boynton is moving ahead with their mobility plan as well.