"Infrastructure is Destiny"

October 12, 2021

Is there a ‘mobility infrastructure’ sur-tax in the County’s future?  There will be if Nick Uhren, Director PBC TPA, and associated municipalities in the County succeed in getting it on the ballot and passed, most likely in NOV, 2024.  During Presentations, Mr. Uhren gave an in-depth presentation on mobility plans for the County, with the theme “Infrastructure is Destiny”.  The current ‘Penny’ sales tax sunsets in 2026, or earlier if maximum revenue targets are reached before then.  He described the County’s current sur-tax as looking backward, doing repair and maintenance on existing projects.  The proposed sur-tax would be looking forward, to a ‘car-optional future‘.  Apparently, Palm Beach County is behind several major counties (Miami-Dade, Broward, Tampa, and Orange) in having such a tax – and it takes local dollars to bring in the necessary state and federal dollars required to implement major projects, by requiring ‘local matching dollars’.  Both the Council and City-Manager Ferris were all on board and the City’s mobility plan fits right in with the proposed concepts.  So ‘watch this space’….

City Manager Report

Consent Agenda related presentations:

Consent Agenda Passed 5:0

October 7

Ordinances and Resolutions:

There was no other business discussed nor was there a City Attorney Report.