February Council - Unanimous Council Opposition to Beeline Flyover

February 7, 2014

NOTE: Video of this meeting has been provided by Steve Tarr. See part 1 and part 2.

Even when the City Council meetings are well attended, very few in the audience stay until the meeting is adjourned.  Thus there was hardly anyone left to hear the final discussion of the evening about the proposed flyover at Beeline and Northlake, prior to adjournment.

(Listen to the meeting audio at timestamp 2:18:34)

Councilwoman Marcie Tinsley interrupted the motion to adjourn to propose a statement of solidarity for Councilman Eric Jablin who is going to the next meeting of the Metropolitan Planning Organization as the Council’s representative.  The meeting is expected to discuss the proposed Northlake flyover of the Beeline Highway and railroad tracks, and she wants Mr. Jablin to be authorized to convey the Council’s unanimous opposition to the proposal. As the flyover is intended to accommodate the increased traffic as western development picks up, this will signal their opposition to western growth as well. The vote was unanimous to give Mr. Jablin this authority for the MPO meeting, and staff was directed to bring back a resolution at the March meeting to formalize their opposition.

Ms. Tinsley explained that they don’t want to encourage western growth, and that there had been a lot of talk back and forth with PGA National residents over this. She stated that they do want to encourage proper buffering like DOT did for neighborhoods next to turnpike in the past.

Councilman Joe Russo moved to have Mr. Jablin lodge Palm Beach Gardens’ objection to the  flyover, which he said has been lodged before.  Joe wants the formal Resolution to go to elected officials, to MPO, DOT, etc plus have work done to justify the really good reasons why it shouldn’t be done.

The state plans to widen Beeline, which has a special designation, to the north and to the south.  DOT wants a flyover at Northlake as part of the project, to improve traffic flow on both roads, and accommodate the expected increase in passenger rail traffic crossing Northlake.

Presumably, when the resolution is discussed in March, the Council will further clarify their opposition to western growth, including Avenir.

The February 6th City Council meeting had a little bit of everything.  There were lots of good news stories among the Presentations:

Public Comment:

As is usual, except when an agenda item is controversial, most of the audience left the room after Announcements and Presentations.   The Consent Agenda and all Ordinances and Resolutions in the Regular Agenda passed 5:0 with little discussion or comment.

Under Items for Council Action/Discussion:  The 40th Terrace and Sunset Drive project is still awaiting more responses from the property owners in the area.  Councilwoman Tinsley asked that rather than wait for the minimum number of responses to be received, why not schedule the next step – a Workshop.  After a bit of discussion among the Council and City Manager Ferris – they decided to give it another month and schedule the date for a workshop at the next City Council meeting.