First Televised City Council Meeting and Referendum Petition Requirement Reduced

NOTE: Meeting video is now being provided by the City. Click HERE.
After the pledge Mayor Premuroso called for a moment of silence for all the victims of the recent weather related tragedies.
Allen Owens gave the 2013 Annual Audit Report with the outside auditor reporting their findings. Unfunded liabilities and new methods of reporting were discussed.
Among the speakers from the public was Mike Murgio (PBC Schoolboard District 1) who spoke at length. He recommended a NO vote on the FL Education Budget and asked that people contact their legislators. He said that the average cost spent per year on a student is $9200. Most other states average $1200 with the most expensive states spending up to $2300 per student/year. Also making public comment were:
- Ruth Peeples
- Mark Marciano
- Mel Grossman
- Douglas Grant
- Joan Ellias
All Aboard Florida was mentioned by most council members. Negative feedback. Is freight really driving it all?
Joe Russo thanked Steve Tarr for his actions which finally resulted in the first live City Council broadcast and hoped he was watching them on TV. The meeting from last night can be watched here.
The Consent Agenda (no additions, deletions, mods) passed 5-0, as did Regular Agenda Items Ordinance 6, 2014 2nd reading (petition requirement reduction), Ordinance 7, 2014 1st reading (Northlake Boulevard Overlay and Redevelopment) and Ordinance 9, 2014 1st reading Police Retirement Trust Fund).
Under Items for Council Discussion: David Levy said that the County offered to lower taxes by $4.00 if they were allowed to burn trash from other counties. All members seemed to be in agreement that it is better if the County DID NOT do so and they want to present unified front to County. Levy also discussed the Minto West project which, while not in the City, has major Northlake implications (development/infrastructure etc.) All were in agreement in opposing this as well.
Marcie Tinsley asked for direction stating: “Education is a key component of Economic development.” She wants to start a student shadow/work program. working with businesses to add an incentive to help train students. She had Mike Murgio on hand to help explain the project. The consensus of board was for Tinsley to run with it but leave staff out. She should work with the Chamber of Commerce, Kelly Smallridge, Mr. Murgio, etc. to come up with a County wide plan or footprint.
Other notable discussions were about playing fields and the need for field rest periods, including perhaps getting the County to chip in for our non resident Gardens facilities or exclude them which is not what Gardens would want to do.
Max Lohman, City Attorney, has been on board for 5 years. City Manager Ferris’ contract is up in June – so it is time for an evaluation.
The June council meeting has a busy agenda; it was suggested that council think about and discuss at the July meeting how to address the Charter Review and what type of panel they will have. The City Manager also brought up C-18 and PGA road construction by the State. He said that there will be a public workshop scheduled tentatively for Wednesday May 14th 5:30 to 7:30 in the Council Chambers. Check the City website for updates.