Term Limits Passes in a Landslide

Voters answered both Gardens’ ballot questions  with a resounding ‘YES”;  Question 1 received 79% of the vote and Question 2, 68%.  Read Tony Doris’ article in today’s paper for additional background.

Total votes cast back in the City’s March 2014 Municipal Elections was 7167.  (See Analysis post for more details) That was an unusually high turnout at 19% of registered voters.   7-12% turnout is more typical in the Municipals.  The winners’ margins of victory were measured in the hundreds.   When any of our council is elected or re-elected because there is no opponent, or by such low turnouts and close margins it is difficult to say any of them are there by a mandate.  That is not so much a reflection on the candidates as it is voter apathy during local elections, and one reason why we in PGBWatch want to foster citizen participation!

There is no doubt with numbers like those shown below, that a much larger portion of the City’s voters were paying attention.   This time, as in the vote for the Ethics and Inspector General Ordinances in 2010, the residents’ desires were loud and clear!

Results from the Supervisor of Elections website


One Response to “Term Limits Passes in a Landslide”
  1. Sandy says:

    Congratulations to the residents of PBG for their thoughtful and educated vote. Mr Russo and Jablin have served and it’s time for younger blood and thinking. PBG has educated voters, and if leaders smart enough to gather signatures, put the proposal on the ballot, and have it pass with overwhelming numbers, then you have people smart enough to lead their government. Enough time in government and leaders forget who they are supposed to serve and end up serving themselves. Before term limits it took the undertaker or paddy wagon to have career politicians removed from office. Well done PBG residents.

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