Both City Hall and Tennis Center 1-Cent Sales Tax Projects Revised

Tennis Center Plans
Construction bids for the City Hall Renovations (Resolution 7, 2019) and Tennis Center Renovations (Resolution 8, 2019), both funded by the 1% sales tax, exceeded the budget for the projects. So the City downsized the ambitious plans somewhat to fit both projects within their original budgets and worked with the lowest bidders to adjust plans and materials. These resolutions provided for the City Manager to negotiate and execute with the selected bidders for both projects. The City Hall Renovations will impact both traffic patterns and entry/exit points to the Municipal Complex.

Pedestrian Access
Ordinance 1, 2019 – 2nd Reading and Adoption Budget Amendment – Finance Administrator Allen Owens informed the council that the sale of the Public Works Property did not go through, so the amendment was changed to delete $1.38 million from the budget stabilization reserve fund accordingly, now at $2.4 million.
Both Council Members Lane and Litt each pulled two items from the from the Consent Agenda for further discussion and presentations, but those items and Consent were all passed 5:0. One of Mrs. Litt’s items was a Proclamation by the Mayor on behalf of 211 Awareness Week, which was read aloud. More information on the 211 Helpline can be found on their website.
All Ordinances and Resolutions passed 5:0.
During Items for Council Action/Discussion, Council Member Marciano brought up the topic of Workforce/Essential Services Housing and how more work is needed on the subject. (In January’s meeting, Council Member Lane had said that a workshop will be held on the subject some time in the near future. ) Mayor Marino raised the subject of speed of the traffic on the western portions of Northlake Boulevard.
City Attorney Max Lohman gave a brief status on both lawsuits by resident Sid Dinerstein. When asked how much the two cases have cost the City so far, his response was in excess of $70K.
- 4th District Court of Appeals ruled on behalf of the City on Question 3 (3-yr sit out before running again) from the March, 2018 election – but is being asked for reconsideration
- 2/11 – Hearing for Summary Judgement on Question 2 (the Charter repeal/replace) from August, 2018 election, with the City taking the position that the case is without merit; at the hearing both sides were given additional time to provide the judge with additional information.
Other Upcoming Events:
- February 24 – March 3 – The Honda Classic
- February 28 – Beeline Highway FDOT Public Hearing at Burns Road Community Center (see
- March 12 – City Elections – Group 4 (Candidates: Carl Woods and Howard Rosenkranz). See the City Elections site for more details.
Next City Council Mtg on Feb 7 at 7pm
- Resolution 7, 2019 authorizing the City Manager to negotiate the agreement with Kast Construction to make the modifications to City Hall and the Police Station. The total amount of $7,573.485.00 is within the amount budgeted and approved for this project.
- Resolution 8, 2019 authorizing the City Manager to negotiate with Ahrens Companies for the building of the new Tennis Center Clubhouse. The total project cost is Four Million Three Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-Eight Dollars ($4,359,958) and the amount is within the amount budgeted and approved for this project.
There are no Announcement/Presentations or City Manager Report listed.
- Besides the above mentioned Resolutions, the remainder of the Ordinances are for 2nd Reading and Adoption of items previously passed 5:0 on First Reading:
- Ordinance 1, 2019 – Budget Amendment
- Ordinance 28/29, 2018 and related Resolution 80, 2018 – Arcadia Gardens age-restricted 55+ independent living facility on RCA Boulevard
Check the agenda to see if any additional items have been added before the meeting here.
We get the government we deserve – and it’s up to us to watch what they do. Hope you can make it. If you can’t make the meeting try and watch live-streaming or on-demand.