Next City Council Mtg on June 3rd at 6pm
The June City Council Meeting will be on Thursday, June 3. You can watch it livestreaming either during or after the meeting, if you are unable to attend.
Presentation: Seal of Excellence Award from the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Consent Agenda:
- Purchase Award – Office Furniture for City Hall (2nd Floor) – Piggyback/Access Contract – no option to renew – $114k
- Purchase Award – Street Sweeping Services – Openly competed – 5 year contract no option to renew – $530K *taking option to renew from prior contract
New Business:
- Ordinance 6 and 7, 2021 – Downtown Palm Beach Gardens – Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning – First Reading and Transmittal – A request from Excel Gardens, LLC for a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment to change the land use designation of the 49.04-acre Downtown Palm Beach Gardens site to Mixed Use Development (MXD), limit the development intensity and density of the property to the proposed development program, and change the zoning to Planned Community Development (PCD) overlay with underlying zoning designation of Mixed Use Development (MXD).
- Resolution 27, 2021 – A request by Avenir Holdings, LLC and Avenir Development, LLC for a Planned Community Development (PCD) Amendment to amend the PCD Master Plan internal parcel boundaries (including creation of a new internal parcel), shift entitlements between parcels, modify the PCD internal roadway network including adding driveway connections, revise PCD and roadway buffer landscape plans, update development standards, and modify certain conditions of approval in Resolution 4, 2016.
- Resolution 28, 2021 – A Resolution approving the Design, Survey, and Permitting Services related to providing a westbound right-turn lane roadway improvement at Northlake Boulevard and Osprey Isles Boulevard as part of the Neighborhood Improvement Assessment Program (NIAP). In addition, this Resolution authorizes the City Manager to take all actions and execute all documents necessary to provide services . for Design, Survey and Permitting for the identified area.
2nd Reading and Adoption: Ordinance 5, 2021 – Voluntary Annexation Request -A request from Sheela Shah MD, PLLC for a Voluntary Annexation of a 0.13-acre parcel located on the north side of Bomar Drive approximately 400 feet west of U.S. 1.
Annual City Manager Evaluation
Please check the agenda before the meeting for additions or modifications.
Storm Clouds – both literal and figurative
There was a very heavy thunderstorm during the May City Council meeting which disrupted the meeting briefly so that a system could be rebooted. But the topic of a traffic signal at Northlake and Bay Hill Estates highlighted conflicts between Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County.
Finance Administrator Allan Owens, and the Tammy Goldstrich of Marcum LLP kicked off with the first presentation on the audit of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2020. The report can be found here..
Bayhill Traffic Signal update
- City Manager Ferris informed the Council about a community meeting with residents of Bayhill, Osprey Isles, Carleton Oaks, Ancient Tree, Avenir and Ibis regarding the progress on the desired traffic signal for the intersection, which has been worked on for three years now. Much of the meeting was taken by the presentation by Natalie Crowley, Director of Planning and Zoning and Todd Engle, City Engineer about the proposed signal, Council discussion, public comment and discussion by the City Attorney and City Manager. The City has had issues with Palm Beach County over several topics – but the jurisdiction and permitting for the signal have raised yet another ‘stormy’ conflict.
- Read Joel Engelhardt’s in-depth piece entitled “‘Abuse of Power:’ Gardens Ready to Sue County of Bay Hill Stoplight”.
- Public Comment regarding the traffic signal was made by Matthew Kamula, resident and HOA President of Osprey Isles (and accompanying residents), Victor Martin, HOA President Carlton Oaks, Gia Muirragui, Judy Ahrens, Douglas Grant.
- City Manager Ferris, as his report, started by asking Mayor Litt to comment on Monday’s meeting on the Bay Hill Traffic Signal.
- City Attorney Lohman added Resolution 31, 2021, which passed 5:0 – authorizing a law suit in Circuit Civil Court and additional steps to streamline moving forward with the traffic signal..
Public Comment:
- Andres Torrens regarding issues with the tree-planting program and a tree in memory of his nephew.
- Head football coach McKinley Rolle from Dwyer HS, a community school, requesting an athletic field since the one from the school is in poor condition
- Lisa Wade, resident, also asking that the Dwyer field be replaced – that the school district has told them is not in budget to be repaired and that they’d have to fundraise. She found out that both the fields in Jupiter and Wellington were in great shape and were paid for the respective cities. So she was asking PBG to do the same. Mayor Litt replied that Deputy City Manager Stepp would be contacting them and working with them to see what can be done.
- Douglas Grant from Balsam Street had concerns about day care businesses surrounding his residence and seeking the help of code enforcement. City Manager Ferris said that Deputy City Manager Stepp would step out and get additional information from him.
The Consent Agenda passed 5:0 with a few items pulled by the Mayor Litt and Vice Mayor Reed, and the following passed 5:0
Purchase Award – Furnish and Install Playground at Miracle League Field – Litt lauded the Parks and Rec department for the new playground, presented by Km! Ra, Purchasing and Contracts Director; Charlotte Presensky, Leisure Services gave credit to Todd Engle and David Reyes, Community Services Administrator.
- Proclamation – Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Care Month – Vice Mayor Reed was pleased to have mental health awareness focused on.
- Proclamation – Professional Municipal Clerks Week – Mayor Litt honored City Clerk Snyder with an award trophy from the Council.
Ordinances and Resolutions:
- Ordinance 4, 2021 – Annual Budget Amendment passed 5:0 on 2nd reading without any changes/addition discussion
- Ordinance 5, 2021 – Voluntary Annexation of one parcel on Bomar Drive– passed 5:0 after brief discussion with the owner
Ordinance 6, 2021 – Automated Express Car Wash facility – on empty lot on Northlake near Roan Lane – all on the Council were very supportive, passed 5:0 on 1st reading.
Under Items for Council Discussion – Council Member Marciano described progress on the beautification of the main Post Office – with assistance of staff and involvement of Representative Mast.
Next City Council Mtg on Thursday May 6 at 6pm
Another light agenda for the May City Council Meeting. You can watch it livestreaming either during or after the meeting, if you are unable to attend.
Announcements and Presentations – FY 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
Public Hearings – Ordinances and Resolutions
- Ordinance 4, 2021 – 2nd Reading and Adoption Budget Amendment – which was passed on first reading 4:0 in April.
- Ordinance 5, 2021 – 1st Reading – Parcel Voluntary Annexation Request – A request from Sheela Shah MD, PLLC for a Voluntary Annexation of a 0.13-acre parcel located on the north side of Bomar Drive approximately 400 feet west of U.S. 1.
- Resolution 26, 2021 – Tricore International, LLC is requesting approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan Amendment and a Major Conditional Use approval for an automated, express car wash facility on an approximate 1.54-acre vacant parcel. The parcel is located on the north side of Northlake Boulevard, approximately 200 feet west of Sunrise Drive.
Consent Agenda includes
- Resolution 25, 2021 – Economic Development Incentives Agreement with Virtu Financial, Inc. Final approval for economic development incentives agreement with Virtu Financial to include an Economic Development Employee Incentive Grant and expedited permitting through the City’s Targeted Expedited Permitting Program. Grant amount $165K.
- Purchase Award – Landscape and Irrigation Products and Services – Openly competed – Five year contract – $6.643 Million
- Purchase Award – Furnish and Install Playground at Miracle League Field – Piggyback/Access Contract – $238K
- Purchase Award – Bleacher Covers for New Showcase Baseball Playing Field at Gardens Park – Piggyback/Access Contract – $112K
- Purchase Award – Installation of Bleacher Covers for New Showcase Baseball Playing Field at Gardens Park – Piggyback/Access Contract – $67K
Please check the agenda before the meeting for additions or modifications.
Congratulations to Mayor Litt and Vice Mayor Reed
At the April 2021 City Council Meeting, the results of the Special Election were certified, and newly-elected Council Member Marcie Tinsley was sworn-in. Council Member Marciano nominated Rachelle Litt as the new Mayor and Chelsea Reed as Vice-Mayor and both were confirmed by the Council. Former-Mayor Carl Woods was ill and not in attendance. Congratulations and best wishes to Mayor Litt and Vice Mayor Reed, and returning Council Member Tinsley.
There was no video of the meeting, and there were audio disruptions as well on the livestream. Here is a link to the complete audio with no gaps.
Comments from the Public:
- Former Mayor Joe Russo – He congratulated Mayor Litt, Vice-Mayor Reed, Council Member Tinsley, County Commissioner (former-Mayor) Marino and the entire council and said that Covid kept him from coming to meetings. He also thanked the City on behalf of the Honda Classic
- Agustin Sosa, VP of the Palm Beach State College Student Body Association – Gardens location, thanked the Council and City Staff for the positive working relationship on security/traffic issues.
City Manager Report:
- PBG Cares and Mortgage Assistance Program – status of the applications – submittals are coming in. To apply see here.
- Burns Rd Rec Center Vaccination Site – Just over 9000 doses so far in 12 days. Starting to open 4 days – M, T, TH and F – Moderna doses – administered by the the Healthcare District of Palm Beach County.
- Par 3 19-hole golf course status – received 7 proposals for design, Jack Niklaus design team chosen and in negotiations
- Mobility Fees dispute with Palm Beach County – City has received 3 letters of support for their position, (from North County Chamber, PGA Corridor and TPA) and against the County’s plan to place liens on private property owners. The item will be held on the April 20 Board of County Commissioners’ Agenda and Ferris recommends that Mayor Litt address the Commission and present the letters of support. He also suggested that he and City Attorney Lohman also attend.
- Granted an additional 90 extension to the outdoor seating exemptions. Now will allow through the end of June. See here for more information.
- Brightline RR Crossing closures: all are complete except for Kyoto Gardens Dr. which will be closed from April 21 to May 16.
- The American Recovery Act – The City expects $5.92 million from the recent federal legislation. While the ‘grants’ are expected to be given to the City in two block – the first of $2.96 million by 5/10/21 and the same amount 1 year later, the City is awaiting more detailed communications from the Secretary of the Treasury.
Consent Agenda: Passed 4:0
Ordinances and Resolutions:
- Ordinance 4, 2021 – Budget Amendment – Finance Administrator Allan Owens, presented a summary of the amendment, which is done every year to reconcile the prior year’s budget with the current one. His charts can be seen here. Passed 4:0
- Resolution 23, 2021 – AIPP for Alton Town Center and Resolution 24, – AIPP for Downtown Palm Beach Gardens. Both passed 4:0. Former Mayor Eric Jablin made public comment on the first item, saying that he had been chosen Chair of the AIPP. Joel Engelhardt published an in-depth piece on both sculpture project in his blog OnGardens.Org entitled Meet your new neighbors: Council welcomes Tekno and The Blooms.
Items for Council Actions/Discussion and Items of Interest:
- The Council reassigned primary and alternate members of various external Boards and Committees
- Mayor Litt said that she wanted to bring back Board and Committee Reports to the monthly agenda
- Mayor Litt said that she wanted to ‘share the truth’ about the status of the Covid-19 Pandemic and gave her perspectives on both the current statistics and the actions the public should still be taking. One of the key items was to get vaccinated. Council Member Marciano said that while most of his patients are getting the vaccine, he is encouraging those who are reluctant to do so as well.
There was no City Attorney Report.
Next City Council Mtg on Thursday April 1 at 6pm
The next Palm Beach Gardens City Council meeting will be on Thursday April 1 at 6pm. While the agenda is a light one, the results of the Special Election will be certified adding former-mayor Marcie Tinsley to the Council, and the Mayor/Vice-Mayor will be selected by the ‘new’ council. Additionally, committee assignments will be reapportioned with the full council complement. These are accomplished through Resolutions 18 and 19, 2021 at the beginning and Appointments at the end of the meeting.
Ordinances and Resolutions other than those relating to the reorganized Council include:
- Ordinance 4, 2021 – An amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020/2021 budget to adjust fund balance carryovers to actual amounts; re-appropriate amounts committed from the FY 2019/2020 budget for outstanding purchase orders and open projects; and for other purposes. This amendment is done every year. Note that the Budget Stabilization Reserve Account is NOT depleted. “In addition to the carryforward of purchase orders and amounts designated for projects, the budget amendment records the proceeds from the Series 2021 Bond; establishes the golf expansion capital project in the amount of $13,941 ,000; allocates $2,000,000 to the recreation special revenue fund to offset the continued revenue loss due to COVID-19; and records $1,208,675 Community Development Block Grant funding for the repair, infrastructure, and mortgage and rent assistance programs. After the above amendments are made, the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve Account will total $6,850,167 in FY 2021. Unassigned General Fund Reserves remain unchanged and total $26,000,000, which is equal to 26.1 percent of FY 2021 budgeted expenditures.
- Resolution 23, 2021 – A request from NADG Brock Alton PBG, LP to approve proposed on-site artwork for the Art in Public Places (AIPP) requirement for the 40.8-acre Alton Town Center located south of Donald Ross Road and east of Alton Road in the Alton Planned Community District (PCD) – the proposed artwork is entitled ‘Tekno’ and is by Alexander Studios
- Resolution 24, 2021 – Consideration for Approval: A request from Excel Gardens, LLC to approve proposed on-site artwork for the Art in Public Places (AIPP) requirement for the Downtown Palm Beach Gardens 49.04-acre site, located east of Alternate A 1A between Gardens Parkway and Kyoto Gardens Drive. The artwork pieces are entitled “Bloom Sculpture” and are by Dan Shaughnessy IV.
Consent Agenda includes:
- Resolution 21, 2021 – A Resolution Approving the Gardens Self Storage Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plat. On July 16, 2020, the City Council adopted Resolution 34, 2020, approving the Gardens Self Storage PUD site plan to allow the development of a 74,936-square-foot self-service storage facility with a 1, 129-square-foot accessory office. The site is located on the northeast intersection of Interstate 95 and Northlake Boulevard.
- Resolution 22, 2021 – Lease Purchase of an Air Light Rehab Truck from Emergency Vehicles, Inc., an Authorized Dealer for Rechtein International Trucks, Inc. in the State of Florida, under a Contract with the Florida Sheriffs Association Cooperative Purchasing Program, and the Lease Purchase of a Ladder Truck (Quint) and a Combination Pumper from FWD Seagrave Holdings, LP, dba Seagrave Fire Apparatus, LLC under a Contract with the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchasing Program, and Financed by BB&T Bank (now Truist Bank) for a Period of 10 Years. Total Contract Price: $3,018,501 .90 in 10 annual installments
- Purchase award – Pest Control Services for City facilities and buildings – Openly competed – 5 year contract with no option to renew – $82.5K
Please check the agenda before the meeting for additions or modifications.
Changing the Landscape of Burns Rd – Future Bike Track
The only Resolution on the March 4, 2021 City Council Meeting Agenda was Resolution 16, 2021 – A Resolution supporting an application to the Florida Department of Transportation through the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) for the 2021 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program for the construction of a separated two-way bicycle track on the south side of Burns Road – between Military Trail and Alt A1A.
City Manager Ferris noted that generally grant requests go under the Consent Agenda – but this future project, if the grant is approved, dovetails so beautifully with the City’s Mobility plans. The Council was extremely supportive. This will be the first track of this kind in Palm Beach Gardens and would link into existing and future bike lanes. The Resolution was passed 4:0.
The Consent Agenda also passed 4:0.
Public Comment was made by Gardens’ resident Ramona Bean – thanking the Council and the City and Marcie Tinsley and County Commissioner Maria Marino for making the Burns Rd Covid-19 Vaccination Center happen. This segued well into City Manager Ferris’ Report about the Vaccination site. He described how seamlessly the project has been using City Police for traffic management, and Rec staff working with the paramedics doing the vaccinations. They’re proud to be working with the Health Department and County crew.
Presentations included:
- Casey Mitchell – Director of Golf – reported on the results of the 14th Annual Mayor’s Veterans Golf Classic – all funds go to the VA Resource Center, and over $55K was raised in 2020.
Andrew Lezza, Division Chief of Training and Professional Development, Fire/Rescue – showed an exciting video of new Fire/Rescue recruits going through training at the new fire tower. The class of new recruits was so large that it took two separate training sessions to complete. Existing personnel will also go through refresher training at the new facility using the City’s instructors. Watch the video here.
- Noel Martinez, President & CEO of Palm Beach Chamber North gave a big thank you to the Council and City staff for pulling off the planning for Artigras in 6 weeks. He praised the service minded culture where find the staff always finds aa way to make things happen. The even was a great success with the big layout so could it could easily be spread out. Artists were happy and sold a lot. The sponsors were also very happy with new location and they hoped it would be available again next year.
- Joann Skaria, Planning Manager, AICP – gave a summary of the CDBG Cares Act Mortgage and Rent Assistance Program.
Details can be found on the City website here. The Palm Beach Post described the program here. Applications are available online or available at the City in paper form.
Next City Council Mtg on Thursday, March 4 at 6pm
The March 4, 2021 Council agenda is fairly brief. You can watch it livestreaming either during or after the meeting, if you are unable to attend.
Announcements and Presentations include:
Regular Agenda:
The only Resolution on the agenda is Resolution 16, 2021 – A Resolution supporting an application to the Florida Department of Transportation through the Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) for the 2021 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program for the construction of a separated two-way bicycle track on the south side of Burns Road.…”Specifically, the project proposes a 9.5-foot wide two-way bicycle track on the south side of Burns Road between North Military Trail and Alternate A 1A with a 1.5-foot wide raised concrete separator. This can be accommodated within the existing right-of-way”
Consent Agenda includes:
- Resolution 5, 2021 – Lease of a Mobile Command Unit for the Police Department from Emergency Vehicles, Inc., an authorized dealer for Rechtein International, under a cooperative purchasing program contract with the Florida Sheriffs Association and financed by BB&T Bank (now Truist Bank). “This lease is being financed by BB&T Bank (now Truist Bank) that offered the lowest interest rate to finance this acquisition. At the end of the 10-year lease period, the City will own the mobile command unit.” Total Contract Price: $779,310 10 Annual Lease Payments of: $84,593.40 each
- Purchase Award – Generator for Logistics Center – Piggyback/Access Contract – 1 year, $66K, no option to renew
- Purchase Award – Janitorial Services for Tennis Center and Golf Club – Openly competed – $362K, 5 year contract with option to renew for another 5 years.
Please check the agenda before the meeting for additions or modifications.
Honda Classic and Vaccine Request to Governor Bookend Meeting
The February City Council Meeting was a very short one.
Honda Classic
Ken Kennerly (Executive Director) and Andrew George (Tournament Director) presented plans for this year’s Honda Classic with different dates, capacity 20% of last year’s and details on how they will keep the public safe yet still make it a compelling event. See the website for information. Tickets will be by the day and once sold out, more will not be available.
Public Comment
- Rob Nanfro, resident – not mentioning that he was a candidate for City Council – highlighted his analysis of the City Budget and the cost of the Council itself, and suggested that their primary job appeared to be to monitor the actions of a single employee – the City Manager, and that there were no written annual evaluations of Mr. Ferris other than a full one in 2010 and a couple of self-evaluations in 2020 – so his conclusion was that his rating of the Council’s job on evaluating the City Manager was unsatisfactory.
- Marcie Tinsley – also candidate for City Council – had presented the Council by email, earlier in the week, a proposed resolution to encourage Governor DeSantis to add Palm Beach Gardens (Fire/Rescue) as a point of distribution for Covid 19 vaccines. She said that while the governor was doing a great job getting vaccine out through Publix, that many residents she spoke with were uncomfortable getting a vaccine with possible side effects in a Publix or even a pharmacy and felt more comfortable with it being given by trained paramedics. (Note at the time she began this effort PBC only had Publix as the primary outlet – since then the Governor has added several other locations to handle western communities, plus adding the Fairgrounds, Walmart, Sams Club, Winn Dixie as additional points of distribution). She planned on reaching out to the Governor DeSantis with her request as well.
Council Discussion
- Resolution 20, 2021*** – was the number assigned to the resolution Tinsley submitted and includes:
“SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Palm Beach Gardens requests that Governor DeSantis direct a reliable supply of vaccines to the City in order to provide an inoculation pipeline running concurrently and parallel to the Publix distribution channel in accordance with the directives set forth in Executive Order 2020- 315 utilizing the City’s POD.
SECTION 3. The City Council further requests that, once the ” at risk” population has been inoculated, Governor DeSantis authorize the City to continue to inoculate other members of the public, as directed by future executive orders and pursuant to CDC guidelines.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk of the City of Palm Beach Gardens is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to Governor Ron DeSantis.”
- Mayor Woods said that this would help the Governor distribute the vaccine. Council Member Reed said people like EMTs giving the vaccine. Vice Mayor Litt echoed the comments on Gardens’ Fire/Rescue capabilities and pointed out that County Commissioner McKinley was able to get vaccines for Belle Glade by making noise about it. Woods piped in commenting to the PB Post Reporter – that she should do the same for the Gardens…Council Member Marciano praised Tinsley for taking action. He said that Council resolutions don’t always have an effect, and this one may not either – but it was well thought out and could help the Governor get vaccines out to the people by adding another point of distribution.
- The Resolution was passed 4:0.
- Vice Mayor Litt also made comments countering Mr. Nanfro’s earlier criticisms stating that the annual City Council public evaluation of Mr. Ferris is readily available online to view, that Palm Beach Gardens has been rated the number 1 place to live, has high satisfaction ratings and has award winning Fire/Rescue, Police, Parks and Rec, Purchasing and other departments.
All other items on the agenda, including Consent, Ordinances 1,2 and 3 2021 second reading, passed 4:0.
*** Comment – despite the good intentions of former-Mayor Tinsley and the Council in passing Resolution 20, 2021, and although it is ‘legal’ to do so – this was another case where ‘transparency be damned’. The Public was not allowed to see this resolution in advance nor to make public comment had they sought to. This is becoming a habit for this Council that prides itself on openness and transparency.
Next City Council Mtg on Thursday, Feb 4 at 6pm
The February PBG City Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 4 at 6pm. You can watch it livestreaming either during or after the meeting, if you are unable to attend.
The Agenda is a light one featuring two presentations:
- Honda Classic Community Impact Presentation
- Carrier Corporations’ Mobile Application
The Consent Agenda includes:
- Resolution 11, 2021 – Approval of an agreement with the Children’s Healthcare Charity, Inc. for the 2021 Honda Classic PGA Golf Tournament to provide a public safety grant for Police and Fire Services and related staff services, and the use of specific portions of Parks, as described, for various parking facilities and general operations….”Just as in last year’s agreement, marketing objectives are included to leverage the exposure the tournament brings to our City. Through the partnership with the tournament staff, we have strategically developed concepts that will bring to the forefront that Palm Beach Gardens is the “Host City” of the event.
- Resolution 15, 2021 – A request by the property owner for approval of a platting exception to allow a portion of Lot 29 in the E-1 single-family parcel to be sold and transferred to Lot 28 within the Frenchman’s Creek Planned Community Development (PCD). The Frenchman’s Creek PCD is located at the southeast corner of Donald Ross Road and Alternate A 1 A.
- Resolution 17, 2021 – SUPPORTING CARRIER FIRE & SECURITY AMERICAS CORPORATION’S BLUEDIAMOND CONTACT TRACING FEATURE. Consideration for Approval: Endorsement of Carrier Corporations’ BlueDiamond Contact Tracing Feature and its availability as part of Carrier’s BlueDiamond mobile credentialing mobile application on the Apple Store/Google Play Store….:To most easily make Carrier’s contact tracing app available to their customers’ employees for their use, Carrier needs to have the app available for customers to download on both the Google and Apple online stores. At present, both Google and Apple require apps that reference COVID-19 to have certain government or healthcare affiliation. Therefore, City Council’s endorsement would allow Carrier to add its contact tracing feature as part of Carrier’s BlueDiamond mobile credentialing mobile application on the Apple Store/Google Play Store.”
Regular Agenda – Ordinances/Resolutions:
- Ordinance 1, 2021 – 2nd reading and Adoption: An amendment to the City of Palm Beach Gardens Firefighters’ Retirement Trust Fund. Required due to IRS changes and “the proposed amendment will have no actuarial impact on the cost of the Plan.”
- Ordinance 2, 2021 – 2nd reading and Adoption: An amendment to the City of Palm Beach Gardens Police Officers’ Retirement Trust Fund. Required due to IRS changes and “the proposed amendment will have no actuarial impact on the cost of the Plan.”
- Ordinance 3, 2021 – 2nd reading and Adoption: A City-initiated request to update the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (Table 9A) and the Palm Beach County School District’s Summary of Capital Improvements Schedule (Table 9B) of the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with Section 163.3177(3)(a)5.(b), Florida Statutes.
Please check the agenda before the meeting for additions or modifications.
March 9th Election – Candidate Profiles
In March, there will be a Palm Beach Gardens City Council (Group 2) Municipal Election to fill the seat vacated by newly elected County Commissioner District 1, Maria Marino.
The election is considered a “special election”, and the winner will fill out the remainder of Maria’s term which ends in March of 2022.
The candidates are previous Council Member (and Mayor) Marcie Tinsley and newcomer Rob Nanfro.
Marcie Tinsley, a land planner and landscape designer is Vice President of Karl Corporation, a land management company. She was term-limited out in 2017, and is eligible to run again after sitting out a three year term.
Rob Nanfro, A CPA and Sr. Director of Taxation for ECN Capital in West Palm Beach is a newcomer to the Gardens, having moved here from New Jersey in 2019.
To help you make sense of who these candidates are and what they would do if they win, we asked each of them to describe themselves to our readers by answering 5 questions:
- Why do you want to be on the Council?
- What do you see as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing Palm Beach Gardens now and in the near future?
- What involvement have you had in the issues that the council has faced over the past few years?
- What is your “vision” for the city?
- What else would you like the voters to know about you and your candidacy?
Further information and links to their websites can be found in our online voters’ guide, and a printed copy of these profiles can be had at the [PRINT] link to the right of the title (above).
Here are their responses: