Final 2014 Budget Hearing plus City Council Meeting on September 19th at 7pm
PBG will have what might be expected to be a fairly short City Council meeting on Thursday September 19th at 7pm at City Hall.
The primary purpose for this second meeting is the Final Public Hearing for the 2014 Budget. Also on the agenda is 2nd reading of Ordinance 13, 2013 which amends the 2013 budget for items already voted upon, and Ordinance 14, 2013 adopting modifications to the City’s Investment Policy. Neither ordinance was controversial on First Reading and both passed 5-0. The Consent Agenda consists of two items – approval of August’s City Council Meeting MInutes, and Resolution 60, 2013 “Partial Release of Three (3) Existing Easements and Acceptance of a Utility Easement from Palm Beach County to Facilitate a Northbound Right-Turn Lane on Alternate A1A onto RCA Boulevard to be Contructed by Palm Beach County”
Here are links to the short form of the agenda and the long form (which is only 75 pages long).
September City Council Mtg and First Budget Hearing on Tuesday 9/10 at 7pm
The first of two City Council meetings in September will be held next Tuesday, September 10th at 7pm at the city hall. Key on the agenda is the first of two budget hearings. The final budget hearing will be held on Thursday, September 19th at 7pm.
Besides the 2013-2014 budget, and 2nd readings on several items, there are new topics, among them:
- City Manager Report – a presentation on the Bridge Refurbishment Program
- Ordinance 13, 2013: The Council in June authorized golf course improvements, construction of new Fire Station #2, plus Fire-Rescue vehicles leased/purchased which have been already received.
- Ordinance 14, 2013 would implement changes to the PBG Investment Policy
- Ordinance 16, 2013 amends the Comprehensive Land Use plan which will exempt all publicly owned lands from the requirement to preserve 25% of native upland plant communities.
“A review of the Land Development Regulations for the City of Palm Beach Gardens reveals multiple references and citations for the application and implementation of the goals, objectives, and policies within the Comprehensive Plan. However, while the preserve area requirement cannot specifically be waived and/or publicly held lands are not exempt, there may be other options available that will allow compliance with the Code and still meet or exceed this standard of development. The proposed text amendment will exempt land owned by the City or other government entities from the upland preservation requirement.”
- Ordinance 17, 2013 – which would allow rezoning to permit a Chase Bank near US1 and PGA Blvd – now defunct Wendy’s, previously Miami Subs location zoned fast-food.
The short form of the agenda can be found here and the long form here.
City Council Meeting – This Thursday – August 15th at 7pm
The August Palm Beach Gardens City Council meeting is on Thursday, August 15, at 7pm in City Hall. Here is a link to the short form of the agenda.
The agenda includes:
- A legislative update by Andrew Watt – legislative aide to Representative Pat Rooney
- Kim Delaney of Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council with an update on Tri-Rail
- A presentation on employee healthcare
- New FEMA map
- 2nd reading on PGA Plaza modifications
- Revision to Planning and Zoning/Development Code of Ordinances
- Several items related to Scripps/Briger Tract – turn-lane, development, intersections
- Signage waiver for Gardens Plaza tenant
- Amendment for LA Fitness Plaza for addition of a stand-alone day care facility
- Gardenia Isles/Trinity United Methodist – rezoning
- Approving employee insurance benefits – with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Guardian, and Lincoln National for Fiscal Year 2013/14.
- Approving the 2013/2014 Master Fees Schedule
The long form agenda can be found here and it has the detailed descriptions of the items.
We get the government we deserve – and it’s up to us to watch what they do. Hope to see you there.
Reminder – April City Council meeting on Thursday, 4/4 at 7pm
The overview agenda can be found here. The complete agenda is almost 700 pages long and will take awhile to download – but is especially useful for background and understanding.
Brief summary of topics for Thursday:
- Certifying election results and the return of David Levy to the council
- Nominations and vote for new mayor (presumed to be Mr. Premuroso)
- Fiscal Year 2012 audit report (worth reading in the full agenda along with the CAFR – comprehensive annual financial report)
- Art in Public Places presentation on artwork selected for Veteran’s Plaza
Several public hearings:
- Signage change in Donald Ross Village
- Bring Firefighters Pension Fund into compliance with IRS changes
Changes of status and development master plan and zoning for Gardens Mall/Downtown at the Gardens/Kyoto Gardens area
Board Appointments for Budget Oversight Committee and Firefighters Pension Board
Please plan to attend – it’s your city and the council only meets once per month!