Good Old Boys’ Actions Show Why Term Limits Passed
Term Limits pervaded the April City Council Meeting from start to finish, with some City business thrown in for good measure. Up first on the agenda was the annual reorganization vote – selecting Mayor and Vice Mayor. Palm Beach Gardens has a Council-Manager form of government so the position of Mayor is largely ceremonial, not elected by the residents. The Mayor does serve as chair of the monthly City Council meetings though, and influences... [Read More...]
No Drive-through for Banyan Tree PUD… for now
Although last on the agenda, Resolution 13, 2015 garnered the most public comment – with many residents from Lake Catherine in attendance and 11 folks voicing their concerns with the developer’s plans for Banyan Tree PUD Phase II (aka Northlake Gardens) at the northwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Northlake. Among the issues were traffic, noise, lighting, and safety for the children going to/fro the nearby schools. Along with... [Read More...]
Some Answers, More Questions About Freight at AAF Workshop
Tony Doris, of the Palm Beach Post summarized key topics from the All Aboard Florida Special Workshop held on Thursday, February 26th here. February 26, 2015 Most in the audience appeared to be as skeptical as were the council members. If you weren’t able to attend or watch, the video has already been posted. Part of the discussion circled around what would or would not be paid for by AAF with respect to crossing improvements, and the costs... [Read More...]
Signs, Traffic and Trains just some of the topics covered
SAVE THE DATE – FEBRUARY 26 AT 7PM CITY HALL – ALL ABOARD FLORIDA WORKSHOP specifically to answer the questions asked by Palm Beach Gardens in this letter by Mayor Premuroso. It is hoped that the AAF spokespeople will address only these specific questions and not make another general presentation. The City Council meeting had technical difficulties on February 5th. The displays were down, so minimal physical visual aids were used... [Read More...]
First Responders Honored; All Aboard Florida Concerns voiced; No Charter Review
Mayor Premuroso kicked off the January 8th City Council Meeting by reciting Governor Scott’s declaration of Florida First Responder Appreciation Week, and honoring all those from the City’s Police Department and Fire/Rescue, many of whom were present at the start of the meeting. Ed McEnroe gave a presentation on the impact of the Honda Classic and described plans for the upcoming one starting February 23rd. (see Palm Beach Post article... [Read More...]
Artistic Bus Shelters and Eminent Domain Dominate Mtg
What we expected to be a brief meeting took a little bit longer on Thursday, December 4th. The agenda began with a very uplifting presentation on the results of the 9th Annual Mayor’s Veterans’ Golf Classic which in total awarded $29,114.47 to the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center. The sponsors were honored and many staff participated on their own time for this worthy cause. December 4, 2014 The Annual Investment Update generated a little... [Read More...]
Vice-Mayor Makes a Statement and Businesses on the Move
The November 6th City Council meeting was relatively short but covered a variety of subjects…. November 6, 2014 Council member Tinsley requested that one of the Consent Agenda items – Amendment to Storm Water Infrastructure Mapping – be pulled from Consent and presented to the public. It was a very informative update on what the mapping had uncovered todate, and why additional work was necessary. City Manager Ferris reminded the... [Read More...]
Gardens’ Past, Present and Future Development covered in Workshop
Many residents over the last few years have requested that the City Council hold workshops. So we were happy to see City Manager Ferris request one with the Council to discuss Growth Management. Often the Council meets individually with staff and then somehow vote unanimously on ordinances and issues with minimal deliberation. So it was refreshing to see what came close to an actual discussion on the future direction of Palm Beach Gardens. October... [Read More...]