August 8, 2014
The August Council meeting started with the pledge of allegiance. At roll call it was noted that Joe Russo was absent.
Don Hearing gave an update on the proposed Minto project. The project is set to go for approval by county commissioners on August 27 with final vote and approval October 29th. Council members discussed traffic concerns with the proposed 4546 homes and commercial space. Mr. Hearing said that 50 million dollars in road impact fees should help to ensure improvements with the existing infrastructure. He did not say who this money would be given to, or how it would be allocated. He did say that our County would like to see this development happen to rebalance the land use in that area. The project would have sewer and water installed to make it a sustainable area.
There was a Plat 1 presentation update with assurance that code enforcement is working to correct problems. Some problems mentioned were language barriers and tracking down some of the absentee owners. Council member Tinsley suggested grants similar to what the City did to help fix up homes along Military Trail when that area fell in to disrepair years ago. There was no grant money allocated by the council to help fix Plat 1 at this time.
The City Manager report mentioned the fire department rookie training program. A Channel 25 news reporter had joined in the training and did a story on the training. He also mentioned that the police department received an Excellence in Policing Award for their latest Frog_et Me Not Safety program.
The City Attorney issue was also discussed by the City Manager. Our city has a contract with Corbett and White to represent our city. Max Lohman (our current city attorney) worked for Corbett but has left them to start the Lohman Law Group. Our City Manager recommended hiring the Loman Law Group to keep stability and continuity in our city. Council discussed this and decided to put it on a future agenda when council member Russo could voice his opinion.
There was a discussion about the Term Limits resolution passed last month. The SOE (Supervisor of Elections) has issues with putting it on the ballot. Our City Attorney has sent a letter to the SOE and is awaiting a reply. James D’Loughy has filed suit against the SOE. He asked that the city help the SOE comply and compel with the referendum items.
Consent Agenda items were passed 4-0.
Resolution 52 (Elm Street item) the land and maintenance responsibilities were given up. The resolution passed 4-0.
Resolution 49 (City Employee SEIU agreement) passed 4-0. These pay increases will cost the city $159,000 a year.
Resolution 50 (Florida League of Cities annual conference) Passed 3-0. Council member Tinsley abstained from the vote as she felt it could be a conflict of interest as she is the one being sent to the conference.
At the Items for Council Action/Discussion, Council member Tinsley asked the Council to allocate some time on a future agenda to discuss parks and recreation shortfalls. There is a need for more multi-purpose fields for residents. She wants to discuss the options including the County owned property that was slated to be used for the stadium. It will be brought up at the 2nd September council meeting.
Note that the budget will be discussed and voted on in September. The 1st meeting in September will be on a Wednesday, September 3rd. The 2nd Council meeting for the budget is scheduled for Thursday September 18th.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM.