Next City Council Meeting on Thursday, March 5th at 7pm
March 2, 2015
The next City Council Meeting will be this Thursday, March 5th at 7pm at City Hall.
The Consent Agenda includes:
- A 5-year contract Purchase Award for Janitorial Services for Parks and Facilities, valued at $372,000. 5 vendors bid on the contract.
- There will also be 3 Proclamations: National Public Procurement Month, Irish American Heritage Month and Ethics Awareness Month
The Regular Agenda includes:
- Ordinance 1, 2015 is intended to amend sign code to regulate human signage. This is Second Reading on the Ordinance which appears to be unchanged from first reading, limiting human signage to 2 consecutive days, 6 times per year. (I encourage those of you who have not read the entire ordinance to do so since it covers rules on all signage from special events, and yard sales to political signage.)
- Ordinance 2, 2015 – An amendment to the Fiscal Year 2014/15 budget to adjust fund balance carryovers to actual amounts; re-appropriate amounts committed from the FY 2013/2014 budget for outstanding purchase orders and open projects; and for other purposes. Note the increase in reserves as stated: “After the above transfers are made, the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserves will total $5,918,310 in FY 2015, an increase of $3,254,199 from the originally adopted budget. Unassigned General Fund Reserves are unaffected, and will remain at $23,066,106.”
- Ordinance 3, 2015 – creating specific signage requirements for gas stations in Palm Beach Gardens. This is Second Reading.
- Ordinance 5, 2015 – First Reading; Updates the 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan and confirms the availability of water for existing development, new development, and redevelopment at the time of the required Evaluation and Report required by the applicable statute; this should be consistent with the SFWMD’s Lower East Coast Regional Water Supply Plan and the 10-Year Water Supply Facility Plans of Seacoast Utility Authority and Palm Beach County.
- Resolution 13, 2015 – amends the Banyan Tree Planned Unit Development (PUD) at the northwest corner of MacArthur Blvd and Northlake Blvd to allow for three single-story retail/restaurant buildings, one of which would have a drive-thru. There are some opponents to this modification from the adjoining Lake Catherine neighborhood – as described here.
The agenda (with links to full detail) can be found here. Check the agenda to see if any additional items have been added before the meeting.
See a summary of the February City Council Meeting as well as the All Aboard Florida Workshop on the PBG Watch website.