Next City Council Meeting on Thursday, November 3 at 7pm
October 30, 2016
The next City Council Meeting will be this Thursday, November 3, at 7pm in City Hall. There are some new items in addition to those previously on the canceled October agenda. There will be a second City Council meeting on Wednesday November 16. Note: Last on the Agenda – during Items for Council Action, Discussion is Staff’s Presentation and Council Discussion on the I-95/Central Blvd Interchange. This subject has a lot of public interest and concern. If it is not moved to earlier in the meeting, please stay for the entire meeting or watch the discussion streaming/archived on-line.
- Former Mayor/Council Member David Levy will be honored for 12 years of service. This was discussed at a prior council meeting.
- City Attorney Lohman will make a presentation on Sober Homes
Consent Agenda includes:
- Resolution 81, 2016 – Approving and ratifying Article 28, Salary Plan of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)/FloridaPublicServices Union (FPSU) and the City of Palm Beach Gardens, reflecting a 6% wage increase for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
- Purchase Award for the City’s Property and Casualty Insurance. Self-insurance was considered but the City decided to continue with conventional coverage for the next 5-year term and to consider self-insurance again in the future. The contract was openly bid and was awarded to the current vendor for about $4.5 million over 5 years, with option to renew for another 5-year term.
- Purchase Award for Emergency Purchase of Mosquito Control Chemicals in the amount of $250K. The chemical is sole sourced by the vendor.
City Manager Report – no details listed
Public Hearings and Resolutions:
- Ordinance 10, 2016 is first reading of a Voluntary Annexation of a 96.80-acre parcel located on the north side of Northlake Boulevard approximately three-quarter miles east of Coconut Boulevard, adjacent to the City’s Sandhill Crane Golf Club.
- Ordinance 11, 2016 and Resolution 68, 2016 is first reading for approval of amendments to master plan and planned unit development (PUD) for Prosperity Oaks (aka Brookdale) to allow for the addition of a 39-bed Memory Care facility on the property.
- Ordinance 14, 2016 – Amending the City of Palm Beach Gardens’ budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015, and ending September 30, 2016.
- Resolution 63, 2016 is for a request for a third tenant wall sign on south elevation of Building D in Legacy Place, for the new Newk’s Eatery
- Resolution 65, 2016 is for a request for site plan approval of a 40 acre commercial retail center in Alton, including a grocery store, fitness center, a home improvement store, a gas station with a carwash, a variety of general retail uses, restaurant uses, a restaurant with drive-through (major conditional use) and a financial institution with a remote drive-through.
- Additional Resolutions for appointments to the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board,and the Art in Public Places Advisory Board.
Check the agenda to see if any additional items have been added before the meeting here.