Next City Council Meeting on January 9th at 7pm
January 5, 2020
The first 2020 Palm Beach Gardens City Council Meeting will be on Thursday Jan 9 at 7pm.
Announcements and Presentations include:
- League of Women Voter’s Committee regarding the Census in Palm Beach County
- Honda Classic Community Impact Presentation
Public Hearings and Ordinances include:
- Ordinance 1, 2020 – First reading of the 2020 Budget Amendment – An amendment to the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 budget to adjust fund balance carryovers to actual amounts; re-appropriate amounts committed from the FY 2018/2019 budget for outstanding purchase orders and open projects; and for other purposes. After the amendments are made, the General Fund Budget Stabilization Reserve Account will total $1,664,638 in FY 2020. Unassigned General Fund Reserves total $25,500,000, which is a net increase of $2,433,894 and represents 27.8% of Expenditures.
- Ordinance 2, 2020 – City-initiated Comprehensive Plan Amendments – First Public Hearing and Transmittal City-initiated Comprehensive Text Amendments to the Future Land Use, Transportation·, Infrastructure, Intergovernmental Coordination, Capital Improvements, and Public School Facilities Elements related to the Palm Beach County School Board lnterlocal Agreement; update of the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements; a new Vision Zero related policy; an update of Map A.4-Potential Future Annexation to include recently completed annexations; and the update of the City’s 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan. Here is a link to the ordinance since there are many alterations to the above items in the comprehensive plan!
- Resolution 4, 2020 – A request by Avenir Holdings, LLC for a Planned Community Development (PCD) Amendment to the Master Plan to relocate 100,000 square feet of medical office square footage from Parcel C – Workplace/Economic Development to Parcel D – workplace; to relocate 155,000 square feet of commercial retail square footage from Parcel B – Town Center to Parcel D – Workplace; to modify an approved Parcel D driveway location; and to amend the list of permitted uses to include Emergency health care/ department and Recreation, outdoor private. The subject site is 4,763 acres and is generally located on the north side of Northlake Boulevard, east of Grapeview Boulevard, west of Bay Hill Drive, and south of Beeline Highway.
- Resolution 8, 2020 – Regional Center Planned Community Development (PCD) Miscellaneous Amendment, Public Hearing and Consideration for Approval: A request for approval to strike Condition of Approval 8 of Resolution 68, 2003 to allow for a future ground-floor tenant sign for the Parcel 27.04 project within the Regional Center PCD. The Parcel 27.04 project is located on the northeast corner of PGA Boulevard and Kew Gardens Avenue.
Consent Agenda includes:
- Purchase Award – Rental of Miscellaneous Industrial and Commercial Equipment – Openly competed – This Agreement establishes a pool of vendors from which the City may rent equipment for hurricane and emergency preparat ions and secure reim bursement from FEMA. The City may also use the Agreement to rent equipment in support of its normal operations. During the term of the Agreement, new vendors may be added to the vendor pool, provided they meet the
minimum requirements established in the original solicitation. Five year contract with option to renew for five years – $500K
- Purchase Award – Traffic Signals for Northlake-Ancient Tree-Bay Hill Intersection – Piggyback/Access contract – upon completion – $322K
- Purchase Award – Bunker Gear for Fire Rescue Department (2020) – Piggyback/Access contract – upon delivery – $80K
- Purchase Award – Replacement Irrigation Pump Station for Sandhill Crane Golf Club – Bid waiver – In previous years, the City advertised two solicitations for the replacement of irrigation pump stations at several parks and received only one response in each instance. The manufacturer has never responded and when contacted has always offered the City a lower price than the sole responding contractor. The City will purchase the replacement irrigation pump station
from the manufacturer and then obtain competitive quotations for the installation of the equipment – uponn delivery – $101K
- Purchase Award – Paving of Municipal Complex Roadways and Parking Areas – Piggyback/Access contract – $85K
- Purchase Award – Fencing for Gardens Park Baseball Expansion – Piggyback/Access contract – $118K
- Change Order – Paving of Public Services Operations Center and Adjoining Areas – Revised contract value (up $130K) – $957K
- Resolution 3, 2020 – Approval of an agreement with the Children’s Healthcare Charity, Inc. for the 2020 Honda Classic PGA Golf Tournament to provide a public safety grant for Police and Fire Services and related staff services, and the use of specific portions of Mirasol and PGA National Parks for various parking facilities and general operations – $144K
Please check the agenda for any changes or additions prior to the meeting.