Storm Clouds - both literal and figurative

May 10, 2021

There was a very heavy thunderstorm during the May City Council meeting which disrupted the meeting briefly so that a system could be rebooted. But the topic of a traffic signal at Northlake and Bay Hill Estates highlighted conflicts between Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County.

Finance Administrator Allan Owens, and the Tammy Goldstrich of Marcum LLP kicked off with the first presentation on the audit of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2020. The report can be found here..

May 6

Bayhill Traffic Signal update

Public Comment:

The Consent Agenda passed 5:0 with a few items pulled by the Mayor Litt and Vice Mayor Reed, and the following passed 5:0

Ordinances and Resolutions:

Under Items for Council Discussion – Council Member Marciano described progress on the beautification of the main Post Office – with assistance of staff and involvement of Representative Mast.