Campus Drive and Aquatic Center Improvements will Impact Residents While Underway
July 19, 2021
Since it is of immediate impact to residents – Campus Drive will be closing on July 23 – August 6 – in order to put in a roundabout, with future additions to include a new sidewalk on the eastern side of the street, reliever lane for the right turn onto PGA Blvd and a 12′. See City Manager Report section below. Additionally, the Aquatic Complex Renovation project will begin by demolishing the old main pool (built in 1982) and the complex project is projected to be complete by March 2022.
The July City Council meeting began with a few presentations. Council Member Marciano was not present.
- Gary Sypek, Director, Planning at Palm Beach International Airport spoke on planned runway extension, tower and potential new entry road for the North Palm Beach County (General Aviation) Airport. Public comment/input will be sought in early fall. Environmental Assessments are now underway, and completion of the projects are still a couple of years away. See the website for updates and information. Mr. Sypek assured the audience that this airport remains a general aviation airport and will NOT have any commercial, scheduled passenger airlines.
- PBC Commissioner District 1 Maria Moreno is always interested in comments and anything her office can do, don’t hesitate to contact her.
- State Senator District 30 Bobby Powell gave a post-legislative session update. The spring session very different due to the pandemic and the inability to act with people face to face. Of immediate impact to the City via impacts on Home Rule, in his opinion were recently passed limitations on:
- code enforcement – people may be afraid to report their neighbor or friend because of fear of retaliation
- fuel retailers – city won’t be able to ban a gas station
- preemption of occupational licenses – prohibits local govts from requiring licenses for occupations not already there for state
- impact fees – provides a limitation on amount local govts can increase impact fees, retroactive to jan 1, 2021
- PBG request for $300K for storm water maintenance did not make it into the budget.
Council members and staff comments for requests from the legislature: Council Member Tinsley – Referencing the mobility law suit with the county – asked the Senator to look at strengthening language of statute 163 to allow municipalities for a solution to the issue. Mayor Litt spoke to building requirements as a result of Surfside. City Manager Ferris – appreciates Powells’ advocating for local government – ‘but never fear we’ll be back next year” for the storm water maintenance dollars..
- Cheryl Stewart – HR Administrator and Lauren Ferrara, SR HR Generalist spoke to the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan. Separating the pharmacy plan from the group health insurance plan allows city to negotiate a better agreement and gives the city 100% of pharmacy rebates. Pharmacy represents 25% of employee health care expense.
City Manager Report:
- David Reyes, Community Services Administrator and Todd Engle, City Engineer, gave an update on Campus Drive, Gardens Park, Burns Road Aquatic Center and the new Par-3 Golf Course/Club House/new entry from Avenir at Sandhill Crane.
- City Manager Ferris
- The City sent 16 personnel went to the Surfside site to assist between 7/5-7/10. It was very difficult and stressful but the personnel performed admirably. The City is no longer involved.
- Municipalities have been having discussion about building safety and inspections with heightened awareness. While there is no mandatory inspection program in PBC, officials have been communicating and coming up with ideas for solutions. There is no one size fits all solution we’ll need some standard guidance from the legislature with differences for coastal, near-coastal and far-inland structures. The city issued letters to property owners of 24 properties (4 stories or more) to send copies of inspections (structural/electrical identifying deficiencies).
- Mr Reyes and Candice Temple, Public Media Relations Manager, played a video developed in-house highlighting the hurricane readiness teams, with the title “We’re Storm Ready, Are You?”. The video will be put on the website and other social media in the next week or so.
Consent Agenda passed 4:0
Resolution 29, 2021 – The proposed max millage rate for fiscal year 2021/22 will remain flat at 5.55 and the first budget hearing will be on Sept 8. Allan Owens, Finance Administrator presented. Passed 4:0
Resolution 34, 2021 – Master Fee Schedule annual update – most fees stayed the same. Passed 4:0
Items for discussion:
Vice Mayor Reed – Transportation Planning Agency (TPA) update – Prosperity Road from Northlake to Donald ross will be repaved and a bike lane, not separated, will be put in. Council Member Tinsley reporting on last month’s TPA meeting (attending on behalf of Reed) commented on quiet zones and testing measures – construction underway
City Attorney Report – City Attorney Max Lohman said that the lawsuit between PBC and the city is still underway (re: mobility) and listed key actions happening in mid-August. Mayor Litt said that Boynton is moving ahead with their mobility plan as well.