July 19, 2022
The biggest news of the evening: After several years of 5.55 millage, the City has proposed a decrease of 4.5% to the proposed 2022/2023 5.32 millage. Allen Owens, Finance Administrator, said that their models also maintain that same lowered millage in their 10 year projections. Council Member Woods expressed concern with the lower millage and looks forward to meeting with staff on the detailed proposed budget. He did point out that after several years of requesting the millage be lowered, Council Member Marciano was not in attendance to vote on the reduction. Vice Mayor Litt asked what homeowners will see and was told even homesteaded properties, capped at 3% increases, will see a reduction. Council Member Tinsley praised the city’s consistent fiscal responsibility. Mayor Reed had to select from all who were eagerly vying to raise and second the motion for Resolution 29, 2022!
Another exciting item brought to the Council by City Manager Ferris, was that FoxBusiness/Verizon recognized Palm Beach Gardens as one of top 10 small cities for small business! The City came in first in the state and 8th in the nation and is the only small city on the entire east coast to be on the list. Here’s a video specific to the Gardens.
Ordinance 8, 2022 – First reading – requires that landlords give renters 60 days notice prior to rate increases of 5% or more. City Attorney Lohman said that the public will be informed through normal communications channels, as well as providing materials to each of the apartment complexes in the City. Enforcement/penalties will be incident based – eg if a renter has not received the required notice they can bring their complaint to the City.
In other business: