Storm Clouds – both literal and figurative
Posted by PBG Watch on May 10, 2021 · Leave a Comment
There was a very heavy thunderstorm during the May City Council meeting which disrupted the meeting briefly so that a system could be rebooted. But the topic of a traffic signal at Northlake and Bay Hill Estates highlighted conflicts between Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County.
Finance Administrator Allan Owens, and the Tammy Goldstrich of Marcum LLP kicked off with the first presentation on the audit of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for 2020. The report can be found here..
Bayhill Traffic Signal update
- City Manager Ferris informed the Council about a community meeting with residents of Bayhill, Osprey Isles, Carleton Oaks, Ancient Tree, Avenir and Ibis regarding the progress on the desired traffic signal for the intersection, which has been worked on for three years now. Much of the meeting was taken by the presentation by Natalie Crowley, Director of Planning and Zoning and Todd Engle, City Engineer about the proposed signal, Council discussion, public comment and discussion by the City Attorney and City Manager. The City has had issues with Palm Beach County over several topics – but the jurisdiction and permitting for the signal have raised yet another ‘stormy’ conflict.
- Read Joel Engelhardt’s in-depth piece entitled “‘Abuse of Power:’ Gardens Ready to Sue County of Bay Hill Stoplight”.
- Public Comment regarding the traffic signal was made by Matthew Kamula, resident and HOA President of Osprey Isles (and accompanying residents), Victor Martin, HOA President Carlton Oaks, Gia Muirragui, Judy Ahrens, Douglas Grant.
- City Manager Ferris, as his report, started by asking Mayor Litt to comment on Monday’s meeting on the Bay Hill Traffic Signal.
- City Attorney Lohman added Resolution 31, 2021, which passed 5:0 – authorizing a law suit in Circuit Civil Court and additional steps to streamline moving forward with the traffic signal..
Public Comment:
- Andres Torrens regarding issues with the tree-planting program and a tree in memory of his nephew.
- Head football coach McKinley Rolle from Dwyer HS, a community school, requesting an athletic field since the one from the school is in poor condition
- Lisa Wade, resident, also asking that the Dwyer field be replaced – that the school district has told them is not in budget to be repaired and that they’d have to fundraise. She found out that both the fields in Jupiter and Wellington were in great shape and were paid for the respective cities. So she was asking PBG to do the same. Mayor Litt replied that Deputy City Manager Stepp would be contacting them and working with them to see what can be done.
- Douglas Grant from Balsam Street had concerns about day care businesses surrounding his residence and seeking the help of code enforcement. City Manager Ferris said that Deputy City Manager Stepp would step out and get additional information from him.
The Consent Agenda passed 5:0 with a few items pulled by the Mayor Litt and Vice Mayor Reed, and the following passed 5:0
Purchase Award – Furnish and Install Playground at Miracle League Field – Litt lauded the Parks and Rec department for the new playground, presented by Km! Ra, Purchasing and Contracts Director; Charlotte Presensky, Leisure Services gave credit to Todd Engle and David Reyes, Community Services Administrator.
- Proclamation – Mental Health Awareness and Trauma Informed Care Month – Vice Mayor Reed was pleased to have mental health awareness focused on.
- Proclamation – Professional Municipal Clerks Week – Mayor Litt honored City Clerk Snyder with an award trophy from the Council.
Ordinances and Resolutions:
- Ordinance 4, 2021 – Annual Budget Amendment passed 5:0 on 2nd reading without any changes/addition discussion
- Ordinance 5, 2021 – Voluntary Annexation of one parcel on Bomar Drive– passed 5:0 after brief discussion with the owner
Ordinance 6, 2021 – Automated Express Car Wash facility – on empty lot on Northlake near Roan Lane – all on the Council were very supportive, passed 5:0 on 1st reading.
Under Items for Council Discussion – Council Member Marciano described progress on the beautification of the main Post Office – with assistance of staff and involvement of Representative Mast.