Sober Homes Presentation Fills the Council Chambers

November 9, 2016

NOTE: There will be a second November City Council Meeting on Wednesday, November 16th.

The Council Chambers were packed at the Nov 3rd City Council meeting with citizens from primarily the Plat 1 area of Palm Beach Gardens impacted by Sober Homes in their community. City Attorney Max Lohman presented a review of the current definitions, statutes/laws and limitations on local community actions with respect to Sober Homes. His presentation can be viewed here (starting at minute 14:30); you can read a copy of the Powerpoint presentation here (you will need software that can open a Powerpoint file). Sarah Peters of the Palm Beach Post covers the Sober Home discussion.  Those making public comment expressed their frustrations as well as dismay at how such rentals were not considered commercial endeavors in residential areas.

November 3, 2016

The Council began with a presentation honoring former Mayor/Council Member David Levy for his twelve years of service to the City. He was presented with a plaque as well as a crystal gavel and made touching remarks as well.

City Manager Ferris requested that the presentation portion of the Council discussion on the Central Blvd/I-95 interchange be brought to the front of the meeting while the chambers were full. In short, the interchange hs been 18 years in the making. Development orders required a right of way for all impacted subdivisions and new residents had to be informed about the potential interchange. Alton, FPL, Paloma and Cimmaron Cove were all considered in the studies. Staff concluded that they recommended approval as is. During Public Comment which preceded the presentation Elissa Cohen, President of the Paloma HOA, Sandra Abraham also of Paloma and Dave Rebholz of Old Palm all expressed support for a new traffic study, or to put the project on hold. Don Mathis suggested that it’s the PGA/I-95 PGA interchange needed to be factored more into the plans. The Council, when discussing the topic towards the end of the agenda, praised Andrea Troutman, consultant from Pinder Troutman Consulting, the traffic engineer for Palm Beach Gardens, on her clear explanations of the studies and status of the I95/Central Blvd interchange. The Council had several questions for staff which were addressed. In related discussion, FDOT will be having “An Alternatives Public Workshop will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2016, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Palm Beach Gardens, 4000 RCA Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410.” about the Northlake/I-95 interchange. For more details see

All Ordinances and resolutions passed 5:0. Other comments made by the public included Jervonte Edmonds of Suits for Seniors, thanking Council Member Marino, plus a member of the City’s Police department for speaking at his Career Day; Kevin Dalton, who owns 3 business in Palm Beach Gardens, suggesting that Central Blvd be renamed for either Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus. (Council replied that Central is a County road). Mr. Dalton also said that he has employed people from 1/2 way homes (eg Sober Homes) and they do have to hand in their cell phone when having their group meetings so perhaps those meetings could be considered ‘treatment’ – which is forbidden in Sober Homes.

Council, during items of Resident Interest and Board/Committee reports commended staff on their outstanding preparation for Hurricane Matthew.