Congratulations to Mayor Mark Marciano and Vice Mayor Rachelle Litt

After the meeting was called to order and the results of the election were approved, Vice Mayor Woods asserted himself to talk first and nominated Mark Marciano for Mayor and Rachelle Litt for Vice Mayor, and both were unanimously selected.  Congratulations to them both!

Comments from the Public included a speech by Weiss School student and former Mayor for the Day (in March) James Delano summarizing the highlights of his experience. He was followed by former Mayor Joe Russo thanked the Council and staff for their outstanding work over the last three years and both outgoing and congratulating the in-coming Mayor and Vice Mayor.

April 4th

City Manager Ferris had David Reyes, in his capacity as Director of Emergency Management decribe the actions taken the previous Tuesday immediately after the 4pm ‘weather event’ which severely impacted PGA National, the PGA/Military Trail intersection, and areas in Burns Road and Siena Oaks. By 4:30 all public services staff was onboard, and all issues were addressed, including checking areas not directly impacted by 7pm.

The Consent Agenda passed 5:0. Two items were pulled for further explanation. Vice Mayor Litt requested that a description be given of the grant application for construction/enhancement of twelve pedestrian crossings – several in the area of Hood Rd.  Council Member Lane requested a detailed presentation on the Fuel Card Purchase Award. Both also passed 5:0.

Ordinance 2,3 2019 and related Resolution 12, 2019 concerning small scale comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning for 2 parcels located on Alt A1A .5 mi south of Hood Rd for Convenience store and gas station, and car-wash/detailing facility passed 5:0 on Second Reading.

New business included first reading of Ordinance 4, 2019 which rezoned the Seacoast Utility Property. Plans were described for an entire redo of the municipal offices on the property. Meg Shannon of The Isles subdivision praised the collaborative working relationship of Seacoast with The Isles community. Also on the agenda was the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Professional Firefightters and Paramedics of PBC, ratified by Local 2928 IAFF, Inc for fiscal years through 2020-2021. Both items also passed unanimously.

All appointments to External Boards and Committees remained the same except for the few that required participation by the City’s Mayor.


3 Responses to “Congratulations to Mayor Mark Marciano and Vice Mayor Rachelle Litt”
  1. Sandra D’Amato says:

    When and where do you meet?

    • PBG Watch says:

      The Palm Beach Gardens City Council meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7pm at City Hall on the corner of Burns Rd and Military Trail

  2. Pat Hughey says:

    Encouraged to see the present council giving each other opportunity to experience different positions. Congratulations to the new mayor and vice mayor with thanks to the former ones.

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