Vice Mayor Marino Heads to the County Commission

The October 1, 2020 City Council Meeting was the last for Vice-Mayor and former Mayor Maria Marino who won the County Commission District One seat in August.  The council held a goodbye ceremony coupled with a city-produced short film showing highlights from Ms. Marino’s almost two-terms in office.  Here is the Palm Beach Post coverage.  We of PBGWatch also join in thanking Maria for her contributions to the City and wish her all the best in her new role as County Commissioner.

City Administrator Ferris had one item to report.   The City has undertaken an initiative to implement  ‘Cultural Competency’ training- dealing with racism in the workplace.  Sheryl Stewart, HR Administrator and the department’s consultant – Barbara Cheives, President of Converge and Associates Consulting, made a brief presentation.

October 1

Public comment was made by a resident requesting that the Council consider allowing alcohol sales at 7am instead of at the current 8am ordinance.  He raised the same issues previously discussed by Mayor Woods in September regarding the impact to those heading out early (eg professional fishermen) having to buy beer outside of the Gardens before heading to their respective marinas.  At the end of the meeting during Council Discussion, the Council directed City Attorney Lohman to bring a new ordinance to the Council next month moving in the permitted sales time to 7am.

Other actions included the approvals of the members and alternates for AIPP, Parks and Rec, and PZAB boards.

The Council decided not to appoint someone in the role of council-member in Vice-Mayor Marino’s place but to leave the spot empty until the March 2021 City Election.  There is currently only one person who has opened a campaign so far – former Mayor and Council member Marcie Tinsley.

Should you know of any other potential candidate – election qualification information can be found on the City’s Election site.  Here are some specifics from the site:

Group 2 – To fill unexpired term until March 2022.

Notice of Candidacy:
• Qualifying by Petition begins on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. and ends
on Friday, November 6, 2020, at noon. This is also the deadline for submitting signed
petitions to the City Clerk for verification.
• Qualifying by Filing Fee begins on Monday, November 16, 2020, at 8:00 a.m. and ends
on Monday, November 30, 2020, at 4:30 p.m.

The next Council meeting will be held on November 5th at 6pm.